DEIF Power Management System Upgrade
Many of us should have known by now that Deif PPU and PPM version 2 (PPU2 , PPM2) had been officially declared obsolete and out of production as of Dec 31 2018. Parts replacement, spare unit purchases are no longer possible. Owners of vessels are encouraged to upgrade their version 2 controllers to the latest version 3 controllers. (which have been reliably been in operation) Despite this obsolescence notice, most of us know that many PPU2s and PPM2s currently in operation out there can continue to serve us reliably for some time.
However, ship owners, managers and operators know very well that these controllers play an all-important role in ships' power generation, and Hence operations. Without reliable power generation and management, the ship ceases to operate reliably.
Should the next PPU2 or PPM2 onboard fails due to any reason, spare support and replacement may no longer be possible. Power availability for the vessel will be compromised. The only question will be the severity.
Ship owners and managers can rest assured that the upgrade program (cost, complexity and schedule) is not daunting at all. Deif, together with Power Absolut, have collaborated with several ship owners on the upgrade program. The process had been literally painless and hassle free so far. Ship owners can choose to carry out the upgrade at yard docking or at anchorage. We strongly encourage all ship owners and management teams to have confidence in us in carrying out the upgrade program.

Carrying out load sharing, MSB protection and many other tests after installation of the new PPM3 controllers