EGen Control System Modernization

We recently successfully undertook a project to modernize the E-Gen control system onboard APL Belgium. This project was in collaboration with Schneider ELectric (Singapore).
The project was carried out in Yiu Lian Shipyard, Shenzhen, PRC.

You can see from the picture to the left that the old E-Gen gauges (small black panel in the foreground) and the old control panel (where my
colleagues are) were installed in separate locations.
In terms of workflow, we dont think it's a good idea since the operator cant exactly monitor, decide and control efficiently. It's very important that we design and install systems that are congruguent with effective workflow. This will allow the operator to work with optimal efficiency and ease.

So this is what we designed and installed. A brand new EGen control and monitoring panel. Complete with all monitoring, control and alarm functions.
The panel comprises a COMAP DCU (Marine) controller, the RA15 Alarm annunciator and all other panel accessories.
This new control panel permits the operator to carry out all monitoring and control functions from 1 single location.
It was a gratifying experience to have been involved in this project. We believe it's been a resounding success which has reaped benefits for every stakeholder involved.
The smooth sailing project could not have been possible without incredible contributions from our following partners:
1. Comap Singapore - For their support to deliver the Comap controllers in record time, allowing us to start and finish the project in time.
2. Schneider Electric Singapore and Schneider Electric China (Hanzhou office) - For their forward looking, decisive and no-stones-unturned management of the project. A privilege to work under such an exemplary project manager.
3. Ship crew of APL Belgium - The Chief Engineer and his electrical officer for their technical and operational support.
4. Agent in China - For their unrelenting administrative and logistical support to facilitate shipment, transportation, shipyard access.
5. Yiu Lian Shipyard - For fuss-free access to the shipyard and well organized operations that permitted us to carry out our work without interference.
6. My colleagues Banyar, Lwin - For their unparalled work ethics, technical expertise and tact. The very best I have witnessed!